The Model’s Four Change Management Work Streams

A core aspect of ElKattan’s  Model for Change Management is its change management work streams. Each work stream is dedicated to a critical perspective related to the change. The model’s work streams are:

(1) Stakeholders management

(2) Culture management

(3) Organizational alignment

(4) Communication management.

For example: the assessment theme has different components to assess each of the four work streams.  They are characterized as such to make the model balanced and comprehensive.

The components of each work stream from the different themes should be linked together and executed consecutively. For example, the process of changing the culture is to include the culture components from the different themes.

Below is a brief description of the four work streams:
  • Stakeholder management work stream.

    A process that ensures that the stakeholders are always aware, competent, and engaged by going through the steps of assessing the stakeholder readiness to formulate the stakeholder management strategy and tactics that are integrated in the change management plan and finally implemented.

  • Culture management work stream.

    A process that ensures that the change values along with their behaviors and mindsets are well-guided to motivate the implementation of the change by going through the steps of assessing the culture to formulate the culture management strategy and tactics that are integrated in the change management plan and finally implemented.

  • Organizational alignment work stream.

    A process that ensures that the organizational strategy, capabilities, and capacity are aligned to enable and sustain the change by going through the steps of assessing the organizational elements to formulate the organizational alignment strategy and tactics that are integrated in the change management plan and finally implemented.

  • Communication management work stream.

    A process that ensures communicating the right messages by going through the steps of assessing the communication to formulate the communication management strategy and tactics that are integrated in the change management plan and finally implemented.


This article is extracted and summarized from our newly published organizational change management guide:BRIDGING THE GAP between strategy development and strategy execution.

Author: alia
ElKattan’s academic and professional background as a manager, consultant, trainer, and teacher spans a period of over 30-years. Recently, he served as an Assistant Professor of Practice and the Director of Graduate Studies and Director of the MBA Program at Nile University. He teaches at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and has taught the following courses: change management, entrepreneurship, culture management, organizational behavior, strategic management, project management, and operations management.

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